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Kalkudah, Sri Lanka

Uga Bay Pasikuda


Beachfront Sri Lanka Paradise overlooking Pasikuda Bay with Massages, Daily Breakfast & Nightly Cocktails

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Experience the serene beauty of Sri Lanka’s eastern coast at this luxury beachfront hotel in Pasikuda. Enjoy a three-kilometre stretch of private beach, world-class scuba diving nearby, fine dining and fresh seafood at the signature restaurant, a unique underground spa with skilled Balinese therapists, and exhilarating water sports.

The resort’s architectural elegance combines Mediterranean charm with tropical simplicity that makes for the perfect elevated yet laid-back beach escape. Set along the pristine shores of Pasikuda Bay, known for its gentle waves and shallow waters, experience the bliss of wading waist-deep to the coral reef’s edge or diving under the waves alongside vibrant marine life.

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