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Seminyak, Bali

TS Suites Seminyak

Very Good
219 reviews

Seminyak Lively Escape with Sky-High Infinity Pool, All-Day Breakfast, Daily Lunch or Dinner & Nightly Cocktails

TS Suites Seminyak logo
Very Good
219 reviews

Vibrant nightlife, world-class beaches, buzzing shopping strips and too-good-to-be-true eateries are just a few of the many reasons travellers love Seminyak, and an ultra-stylish stay at TS Suites Seminyak is the best way to experience it all. Step right from the hotel onto a bustling street lined with small boutiques and local restaurants or catch the complimentary shuttle to Double Six Beach just a short drive away.

This lively resort is the place to go for a dose of rest and relaxation by day before coming alive at night. Sit by the 50-metre sky-high infinity pool and snack away on light bites or grab a cocktail from the pool bar. Later, enjoy front-row sunset views and watch the sky transform from soft pink tones to fiery red hues. The fun continues into the night, with the rooftop entertainment precinct open until 11pm. For a change of scenery, drop into the hotel’s very own nightclub, Jenja, or kick back in TSea Leisure Club and dine on international cuisine.

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