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Melbourne, Victoria

Quincy Hotel Melbourne

322 reviews

Grand Opening: Melbourne Boutique Laneway Luxury with Daily Breakfast

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322 reviews

Beaming 29 stories above the bustling heart of Flinders Lane is the brand new Quincy Melbourne, a luxuriously fun abode that brings the zing of Southeast Asia to Melbourne. Making a bold statement on the CBD scene, this eclectic hotel is surrounded by graffitied laneways, high-end restaurants, hole-in-the-wall cafés and more, making it the perfect location to immerse yourself in the city’s iconic culture.

A stay at Quincy Melbourne guarantees to awaken your senses: inhale the scent of freshly brewed coffee at onsite café SingSong, admire vibrant hues of pink and blue in the rooms, synonymous with good fortune, run your fingers through textural art installations that adorn the walls and taste the explosive flavours of Southeast Asia at Salted Egg — the hotel’s exceptional signature restaurant. Elevate your experience with a Quincy Sling at the Q Club floating 28 stories above Flinders Lane and take in the city views.

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