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The Entrance, New South Wales

Oaks The Entrance Waterfront Suites

NSW Oaks Central Coast Waterfront Retreat Just 90 Minutes from Sydney

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Pelican-filled bright blue skies, a high street brimming with scrumptious cafés and shimmering waters stretching as far as the eye can see – an escape to Oaks The Entrance Waterfront Suites is the perfect chance to discover everything that makes NSW’s Central Coast so special. Situated just 90 minutes from Sydney in a picturesque seaside town, the hotel boasts a heated swimming pool, Jacuzzi, fitness centre and dazzling views of Tuggerah Lake and the surrounding seascape.

When you’re ready to explore the region’s countless charms, Oaks The Entrance Waterfront Suites is the ultimate launchpad. Ride one of the oldest carousels in the country, swim in the heritage-listed The Grant McBride Baths, cycle around the mighty lake or savour every scoop at the Great Australian Ice Creamery, all just minutes away on foot.

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