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North Coast, New South Wales

Oaks Santai Resort Casuarina

Balinese-Inspired Apartment Stay on New South Wales' North Coast

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Recharge by the ocean with an apartment stay at the stylish Oaks Santai Resort Casuarina, bringing a touch of Balinese glamour to the serene North Coast of New South Wales. From its idyllic setting just 200m from the glistening turquoise waters of Casuarina Beach to its fantastic Kingscliff location, cradled by the iconic Gold Coast and laidback bohemia of Byron Bay, this tropical resort will instantly transport you to an exotic faraway land.

Chill out by the palm-fringed pool and let relaxation wash over you with a welcome bottle of wine on arrival, daily breakfast, complimentary Wi-Fi and a leisurely 12pm checkout.

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