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Seminyak, Bali

Maharaja Villas Bali


Seminyak Private Pool Villas with Daily Breakfast & Nightly Cocktails

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Experience one of Bali’s most popular destinations from the secluded splendour of your own private pool villa at the boutique Maharaja Villas Bali – a serene hideaway located moments from the action of Seminyak. With a perfect blend of beachfront beauty, boutique shops, sumptuous restaurants and vibrant nightlife, Seminyak is the perfect place to immerse yourself in Bali’s unique energy. When you need to recharge, plunge into your villa’s very own private pool, unwind with a book on a sun lounger in your tranquil garden space, head to the onsite spa for a treatment or two, or dine at Kayumanis Restaurant while taking in the views of the surrounding rice fields.

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