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Sorell, Tasmania

Iron Creek Bay

Brand-New Boutique Tasmania Stay with Daily Breakfast & Dining Credit

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Worlds away from the bustling city but with easy access to Hobart, Iron Creek Bay offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with nature amid the stunning Tasmania countryside. Just a 30-minute drive from the capital, this soothing retreat offers a seamless combination of countryside charm and contemporary luxury. Wander the serene farmland alongside animals that roam the orchard and vineyard, and keep an eye out for Woody Island’s white-bellied sea eagles in the sky or brown tree frogs in the lily pond. When hunger strikes, savour seasonal dishes featuring local produce at Restaurant Orani Bar and Grill, coffee and sweet treats at the Iron Creek Bay Cafe or devour succulent fruits from the orchards such as cherries, apricots, apples and grapes.

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