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Kyoto, Japan

FAUCHON L’Hotel Kyoto

Boutique Five-Star Kyoto Escape with Daily Breakfast, Nightly Cocktails & Top-Floor Restaurant

FAUCHON L’Hotel Kyoto logo

Succumb to the allure of Japan’s heritage and history with a unique escape to this boutique hotel that seamlessly combines bold Parisian design with Kyoto’s thriving modern art movements. Located centrally alongside the picturesque Kamo River, the hotel is just a stone’s throw away from ancient temples, Gion District and the bustling Nishiki Market.

The hotel’s gastronomic experience takes centre stage, with Grand Café FAUCHON offering casual French cuisine alongside unparalleled views of Higashiyama Mountain Rage, while Salon de Thé introduces a distinctive blend of Parisian-style afternoon tea with the serene ambiance of a traditional Japanese tea ceremony.

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