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Crete, Greece

Cayo Exclusive Resort & Spa


Tranquil Crete Private Pool Retreat with Daily Breakfast & Nightly Dinner

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Be transported to an island explorer’s dream with a stay in Crete’s picturesque village of Plaka, overlooking Spinalonga Island. Situated near the popular tourist spot, Elounda, you’ll find uninterrupted bliss within moments of arriving: unwind beside the glimmering split-level infinity pool with a cocktail in hand, or uncover new levels of rejuvenation with a tailored treatment at Armonia Spa.

Relish gastronomic greatness at the resort’s onsite eateries, set against a picture-perfect classic Greek island backdrop, before calling it a day in the tastefully adorned rooms, each with its own private pool. This is idyllic Grecian living at its finest!

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